Adobe Photoshop CS6 Download Free

Adobe Photoshop CS6 Download Free

Photoshop CS6 adalah software photo-editing yang dikembangkan oleh Adobe. Program ini tersedia untuk Windows PC dan Mac. Meskipun Photoshop dirancang untuk pekerjaan profesional, tetapi dapat juga  digunakan untuk memperbaiki gambar Anda, bahkan jika Anda belum pernah menggunakan program semacam ini sebelumnya. Pengguna baru dapat melakukan penyesuaian sederhana untuk foto mereka, sementara tugas-tugas lain yang lebih kompleks mungkin memerlukan beberapa tutorial pertama. Namun, praktek dapat lebih berguna daripada tutorial, jadi kami sangat menyarankan Anda menghabiskan beberapa jam bereksperimen untuk meningkatkan hasil Anda, bukan hanya menonton video tutorial di Internet.


Adobe Photoshop CS6 is photo-editing software developed by Adobe. This program is available for both Windows PC and Mac. Although Photoshop is designed for professional work, it can also be used to fix your images even if you've never used this kind of program before. New users can perform simple adjustments to their photos, while other more complex tasks may require some tutorials first. However, practice can be more useful than tutorials, so we strongly recommend that you spend a couple of hours experimenting to improve your outcomes, instead of just watching video tutorials on the Internet.
Adobe Photoshop CS6 offers re-imagined tools, interface improvements and a new graphics engine that works faster than ever
This CS6 version brings powerful improvements and new tools to improve your editing. The program uses the newAdobe Mercury Graphics Engine, which makes your work go faster than ever, regardless of whether you work with Mac or Windows. It also has Auto-Recovery options and a new Background Save feature. It also offers re-imagined tools and some new ones. For instance, the Crop tool allows you to easily change the shape or size of your images, and the Content-Aware Move tool allows you to move or extend elements in order to change your composition. New Blur Gallery filters allow you to create custom blurs such as tilt-shift blur, field blur, or iris blur.

System Requirements:
2GHz or faster processor
1GB of RAM or more recommended
1GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation( Photoshop CS5.1 cannot be installed on flash-based storage devices.)
1,024x768 display (1,280x800 recommended) with qualified hardware-accelerated OpenGL® graphics card, 16-bit color and 256MB VRAM

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